
Learn to use GitHub with your friendly Vanderbilt Librarians

Project maintained by Ramona2020 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Workshop I: GitHub Basics

The Plan

  1. Source Control, Git, and GitHub
  2. Why Would I Want to Use GitHub?
  3. The Basics of Markdown
  4. Getting Started with GitHub
    • Creating an account
    • Creating a new repository from scratch
      • Branches, Commits, and Pull Requests

Source Control, Git and GitHub

Source Control, the management of changes to documents, computer programs, large web sites, and other collections of information. Examples of source control tools: Subversion, Perforce, Mercurial, Git…

Git, http://git-scm.com/, is a version control system that tracks changes to files in a project over time. Git is a command line tool.

GitHub, http://github.com, is a web-based Git repository hosting service with all of the revision control and source code management of Git plus some added features. GitHub provides a web-based graphical interface and desktop as well as mobile integration. See GitHub repositories in action at https://github.com/HeardLibrary

Why Would I Want to Use GitHub?

GitHub may describe itself as the place where software is built, but software developers and computer programmers are not the only people using GitHub. Scholars in all disciplines are using GitHub to build digital projects, share data, and even using GitHub in the classroom. Below are some examples:

Digital Projects

Open Greek and Latin Project, https://github.com/OpenGreekAndLatin Produces machine-corrected XML versions of Greek and Latin works and translations.

Syriaca.org: The Syriac Reference Portal, https://github.com/srophe A collaborative research project publishing online reference works concerning the culture, history, and literature of Syriac communities from antiquity to the present.

LOGAR: Linked Online Gazetteer of the Andean Region, https://github.com/sawernke/gazetteer-demo

Corpus Baudelaire, https://github.com/HeardLibrary/corpus-baudelaire TEI encoding of Baudelaire’s Le Fleur du Mal.

GitHub in the Classroom

GitHub Education, https://education.github.com/ Free and discounted plans for educational use. Faculty are using GitHub instead of a traditional course management system (Blackboard, Moodle, Sakai) or using GitHub as a submission platform for student assignments.

Related Readings

The Emergence of GitHub as a Collaborative Platform for Education http://alexeyza.com/pdf/cscw15.pdf

Push, Pull, Fork: GitHub for Academics http://hybridpedagogy.org/push-pull-fork-github-for-academics/

COMP 116: Introduction to Computer Security, https://github.com/tuftsdev/DefenseAgainstTheDarkArts Course website for COMP 116: Introduction to Computer Security

The Basics of Markdown

Markdown, http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/, is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling all forms of writing on the GitHub platform.

You can use Markdown for:

GitHub.com uses its own version of the Markdown syntax that provides an additional set of useful features, many of which make it easier to work with content on GitHub.com. Visit the Mastering Markdown guide: https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/

Picking a Text Editor

This session will focus on interacting with GitHub in a browser environment, but future sessions will require a text editor for offline work. We recommend Atom, https://atom.io/, an open source text editor with Git and GitHub integration built in.

Getting Started with GitHub

GitHub is free to use for public projects. A free account give you the ability to create an unlimited number of public repositories with an unlimited number of collaborators. GitHub also offers a number of personal and organizational plans for those who need to collaborate on private repositories.

Creating your free account is the first step GitHub profile

Creating a New Repository

You have two options when creating a new repository. You can click on the + next to your profile image in the top right corner of the screen or go to the repositories tab within your profile page and click the New button.

Creating a new repository in GitHub

Just a few easy steps to initialize your repository:

  1. Name it - Always keep it short and sweet.
    • Let’s create a repository named Hello-World
    • Describe it (optional)
  2. Select Public/Private for your repository status
  3. Check the box to initialize your repository with a README
  4. Add a license
    • Your content will be publicly available. A license will tell users how you want your content to be used/ reused.
  5. Click Create Repository!

New Repository Form

Let’s Play with Your New Repository

Create a Branch


Compare & Pull Request

Create Pull Request

Merge Pull Request

Success! You are now a GitHub user!

GitHub Tutorials and Resources:

GitHub Guides https://guides.github.com/
GitHub Training & Guides https://www.youtube.com/user/GitHubGuides/featured
GitHub Help https://help.github.com/